Safety Air Treatment Box (SAT Box)

The SAT Box (Safety Air Treatment box) is a safety device that protects the user and the equipment. The SAT Box provides numerous important safety features:
- Emergency kill switch
- Key safety lock (optional)
- Downstream automatic air-bleed
- Automatic switch off when air pressure drop detected
Those safety devices ensure an instantaneous air bleed in the downstream circuit when the emergency kill switch is hit and/or when air supply stops. As a consequence, no residual energy may create an accidental motion after the stop. All these safety features are energized by air pressure, without any other source of energy required.
If the air feed pressure falls below 2 bars, the SAT box will automatically shut down in order to prevent the actuator inadvertently restarting if the pressure climbs back up (if the compressor stops and then restarts for example).
All of these functions are operational with the air supply pressure – there’s no need for another energy source. Finally, the SAT box integrates the FRL unit (Filtration, air pressure Regulation and Lubrication) in order to ensure that the air feed is clean and correctly lubricated.